Trademark Registration

Filing starts from Rs. 6500/- Incl. Government Fees

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.5/5 by the people we have served! Read Reviews

Getting a Trademark Registration has never been easier. Our team of experts at Provelty IPR Solutions can help you get your Trademark registered in no time.

  • Check your Trademark availability
  • Protect your Brand or Company name from misuse and theft
  • File your Trademark in 1 hour from anywhere in India
  • Talk to our dedicated TM Experts having years of experience

What is a Trademark?

A Trademark is the name you use to sell your goods or services. In simple terms it is the name of your brand or company which acquires goodwill and value over time. A brand name can be divided into the below three categories and applied for registration respectively.

Brand Logo

Brand Name

Brand Slogan

Get your Trademark registered with these easy steps

Trademark Search Report

Our experts conduct a Search report to check trademark availability

Preparing Documents

We help you complete the simple and easy documentation process

Application Drafting

We draft your Trademark application and send it to you for confirmation


Your application is filed within 1 hour of receiving your confirmation.

We believe in being transparent about our services!

You might want to know this before you proceed with your Trademark Registration

Brand name availability

Our experts check the trademark registry database thoroughly to provide you with the most accurate search report. We not only just provide you with the search report but you also get to have a discussion with our experts on the results of your search report. We believe in transparency and hence our experts will try to clearly explain you how they arrived at the search report results so that you can take your decision better.

Time required for Registration

Depending upon the queue of pending applications it takes around 5 to 8 months to obtain a Trademark Registration if the application is not objected or opposed. This timeline may vary as per the hurdles faced by the application.


A Trademark registration is valid for 10 years from the date of registration and can be renewed every 10 years by paying the necessary renewal fees. There is no expiry as long as you keep renewing it.

Protection all over India and beyond

By registering your Trademark you can stop anyone from using your Brand Name all over India and can also claim for damages for any misuse. Trademark registration in India can also be used as a proof to obtain registration in other countries.

First come first serve

The date of application holds the utmost importance while determining the grant of registration for two or more similar application unless prior usage can be proven in case the date of application is not the earliest.

End-to-End Services under one Umbrella

We at Provelty IPR Solutions pride ourselves in providing complete Intellectual Property Rights services under one umbrella. Be it Trademark, Copyright, Design or Patent Registration we serve all your Intellectual Property Registration and Protection requirements under the same roof.

Why Provelty?

We at Provelty pride ourselves with being focused towards providing Intellectual Property Rights Registrations and Protection services to our esteemed clients all over India. With millions of businesses operating in India, protecting your Brand and Goodwill has become a very complex affair and needs specialised care and attention which our experts have been able to provide efficiently.


Trademarks Registered


Copyrights Registered


Design Patents Registered


Brands Protected

Trademark Registration Process at the Registry

Once your Trademark Registration application has been successfully filed at the Registry it follows the below process to get Registered.

New Application

Your new application will be received at the registry and kept in queue for first review depending upon the list of pending application.

First Review

A first review of your application will be conducted and the brand name will be reviewed by the Examination officer.

Examination Report

An examination report will be generated which marks the application as either ‘Objected’ or ‘Advertised in the Trademark Journal’ depending upon its uniqueness and eligibility to meet all the necessary conditions for the application to proceed.

If Objected

If your application is objected, we can file an examination report reply in order to help the application proceed smoothly for registration.


Your brand name with relevant details is advertised in the Trademark journal for 4 months and in this time the registry accepts any oppositions from any third party which might have a problem with your registration.


If no opposition is received within this period of 4 months or the opposition received is replied to and quashed then your application proceeds for Registration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our experts can make a Trademark application at the IP Registry to obtain your Trademark Registration. Kindly fill the form to get started.

You will have to visit the official Trademark status website and with the help of the application number retrieve the current status of your application.

The cost to get a Trademark Registration starts from Rs. 6500/- (all inclusive) and can go upto Rs. 12000/- depending upon the possibility of getting an objection or getting called for a hearing to explain your case.

You can apply for a Trademark Online in India on our website by filling the form given above.

Once you pay for the registration the cost is non-refundable even if you aren't granted the Trademark. Also, it is best to get a clear idea of availability before finalizing and investing in a new brand name.

It can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years depending on the uniqeness of your brand name.

Upon obtaining your Trademark Registration you will be granted exclusive rights over that brand name throughout india for that particular business activity in which you are registered. This also ensures no one else can stop you from using your brand name in the future.